Now is the time we plan for theย busyness of spring & summer. ย A few hours of planning can eliminate a lot of headaches during the growing season. Here is a check list: – Weekly lawn mowing begins March 30th – Order your Spring flower color by March...
Several clients have asked us how they can better prepare their landscape for our hot summer weather? ย Here are some easy steps to implement: * Use shrubs and flowers that are heat and drought tolerant. ย Tender plants that are not hardy to our area require more water....
Now is the time to walk through your garden and take note of not only the plants growing in your garden, but also the insects and diseases setting up residence.ย You might be surprised at what you find. ย Do not compost or use for mulch any plants or leaves that are...
Creating a “mulch ring” around your trees helps your trees in several ways. Mulch rings create a weed barrier during the growing season. For maximum benefit mulch 2-3 inches deep. The mulch ring protects the tree bark from weed eaters nicking the bark,...
Spring Cleaning: start with first aid kits. Found a great new product to include for people sensitive to poison ivy & oak. A pre-contant towlette and a cleanser. Use before working in the garden to prevent an outbreak.