Celebrate the cooler temperatures with fall & winter flower color!
Flower colors can be combined to create your own signature mix. Keep in mind that pansies and kale will last until April/May 2016, so fall colors may not be what you want in the spring. We recommend that you mix flower colors by types using either Majestic Pansies or Crown Pansies. If you have already placed your flower color order – Thank you!
Generally we start planting mid-October depending on the temperatures. Prices include planting. All orders are due October 1st.
Browse through the choices of colors and mulch. Reply back to us with the flower type, color and quantity including mulch choices/amount. Pansies and kale are the hardiest winter flowers for North Texas, however, they are still a perishable commodity and cannot be guaranteed. If you have questions please do not hesitate to call our office.
[custom_button text=”View Fall Color Options” title=”View Fall Color Options” url=”http://greenmeadowslandscaping.com/fall-winter-flower-color-order-form/” size=”large” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”]