According to, the average daily high temperature in North Texas in March is 69 degrees with the average low sitting at 49 degrees. For those of us who live here, we marvel at how quickly winter can feel like spring…and then an hour later feel like winter again. Which leaves us all asking the question:
Looking forward to warmer weather soon?
Now is the time to start planning your Spring budget for flowers and possibly replacements of tender shrubs & perennials. Give shrubs until April to snap out of any freeze burn.
In planning out your budget think about your garden style with flowers: annuals vs perennials. Annual flowers bloom well from spring-fall, but only last one year. Perennials are generally more expensive, typically blooming for 2 months (though some bloom much longer). Perennials come back year after year.
Mixing perennials as a back drop with a bright colored annual as a low border is a beautiful combination.