What is your curb appeal after these recent storms? Landscape and garden design is critical. โ€œResearch shows that 71% of homebuyers make a decision from the curbโ€ Dave Ramsey. Recent storms have permanently damaged 25-50% of the branching structure of many Bradford Pears (and other weaker wooded trees). New growth will not form a well rounded tree that looks healthy and strong. You cannot fix your curb appeal with half of a tree. Plan now for a new shade or ornamental tree to be planted in the fall. October and November are the best months to plant trees in our area. When your trees were originally planted did you think about trafficย patterns and how your friends and family use your outdoor spaces?ย  Think about how you use your spaces and what style you want to reflect?ย  As professional landscape architects we are here to answer your questions and help you best plan for your outdoor living spaces.
Water: Now is the time to switchย  your sprinklers to summer mode. We recommend watering 4 times a week with 20 minutes on each popup station. For rotors water 45 minutes for grass areas. Look at to see if water restrictions have been put in place.
Chinch Bugs: Notice dead patches of lawn in irregular patterns? This could be the work of chinch bugs that enjoy sucking the juice out of your grass.
Heat Related Stress in the landscape:
Majority of the problems we see are related to heat stress and watering.
1) High temperatures in North Texas cannot be avoided but you can do something about the amount of
stress you see in your landscape. Plants you have in your landscape should accommodate our crazy summers. โ€œPartial shade flowers and shrubsโ€ means morning sun only โ€“ no afternoon sun of any kind.
2) Water consistently. Plants like routines. Donโ€™t water a lot over
the weekend and skip weekdays.